
the foundation


who we are

Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation was organized in 2014 by descendants of the 623 men unethically and immorally treated in the United States Public Health Service Syphilis Study from 1932 - 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama. The organization is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that connects descendants across generations, provides annual scholarships to descendants, participates in the Research Project: “The Untold Story”, offers support and guidance to the Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care, while pursuing all other strategic plans. 

2017 Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation Meeting Attendees

2017 Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation Meeting Attendees

the importance of our foundation

Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation is a necessary change to the narrative of the United States Public Health Service Syphilis Study about 623 African American men who were subjected to inhuman and unethical healthcare and treatment in rural Macon County, Alabama for forty years. They cannot remain being remembered only as poor, uneducated, uninformed guinea pigs. The USPHSS Study had tremendous ramifications on the small Macon County community and African Americans communities around the Nation. In today’s culture we are witnessing growing disparities in health care amongst those in most need and enduring social injustices. It is incumbent upon the Foundation to become an agent that will promote and advocate for ethical treatment in health care. It is also important that the Foundation move forward with purposeful actions while remembering their suffering and sacrifices.

2018 Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation Meeting Attendees

2018 Voices for Our Father Legacy Foundation Meeting Attendees

2020 - 2021

Board Members


Lillie Head, president

Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Baums, vice president

Barbara Council, secretary

Joyce Christian, assistant secretary

Clemmon Julkes,
acting treasurer



Evella Gaston

Peggy Tatum

Theilene Williams

memorial and inspiration garden

Amy Pack

public relations

Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Baums

strategic planning

Joyce Christian 

Dr. Kimberly Carr


Dr. Betty Crutcher

annual scholarship banquet 

Janie Holmes


Carmen Thornton


annual membership dues: $25

Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation Crest

Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation Crest